English+Ballet PLUMAGEでは、バレエ講師、アシスタントを募集しております。
We are looking for ballet teachers and assistants.
★Balletはもちろん踊ることが好きな方。Those who love to dance, especially ballet.
★教えることが好きな方。 Those who love to teach.
★こどもと過ごす時間が好きな方。Those who love to spend time with children.
Those who understand how to interact with children and safety in the studio.
RAD (Royal Royal Academy of Dance) and other ballet exam takers or, those who wish to take the exams.
または、取得希望者。Those who have teacher qualifications such as RAD (Royal Academy of Dance), or those who wish to acquire it.
★英語が話せる方、または、好きな方。Those who can speak or understand both English and Japanese.
Applicants, please send your resume and a photo by emai.